Monday, February 25, 2019

Super Sentai Strongest Battle 2019 - Episode 1 Photo Review

Super Sentai series is doing a mini series called "Super Sentai Strongest Battle" Super Sentai Saikyou Battle (スーパー戦隊最強バトル) starting February 17th 2019, up to four episodes. This is to ushered the upcoming 2019 Super Sentai series Ryusoulger.

As with many VS theme movie, Super Sentai Strongest Battle simply put together all 49 super sentai team into one movie once more. To make thing fast forwards, there will be 32 team consist of five member, fighting each other in knock out bracket.

The complete list of member is available in TV Nihon super sentai wikia page HERE.

Episode 1 of Super Sentai Strongest Battle (Who is the Strongest of All Time!?
史上最強は誰だ!?) follow the story of the first team, the Odd Team consist of :
Oddball Team (変わり者)
Gokai Red (Ozawa Ryouta → キャプテン マーベラス / ゴーカイレッド - 小澤 亮太) (foreground) is giving a hard time to his juniors :
Kagura / TOQ 5 - Moritaka Ai → カグラ / トッキュウ5号 - 森高 愛 Igasaki Takaharu / Akaninger - Nishikawa Shunsuke → 伊賀崎 天晴 / アカニンジャー - 西川俊介 Kazakiri Yamato / JyuohEagle - Nakao Masaki → ジュウオウイーグル / 風切大和 - Stinger / SasoriOrange - Kishi Yosuke → サ

They will soon meet their first opponent, lead by Patranger Red :
Pat Ranger Red : Asaka Keiichirou / PatRan Ichigou - Yuki Kousei 

the first "veteran" cameo come from Sousuke and Eji :
Takaoka Eiji / BoukenSilver - Deai Masayuki (Boukenger) → 高丘映士 / ボウケンシルバー - 出合正幸 Esumi Sousuke / Go-On Red - Furuhara Yasuhisa (Go-Onger) → 江角走輔 / ゴーオンレッド - 古原靖久

the tournament was host by a girl name Rita :
Rita - Asakawa Nana → リタ - 浅川梨奈

This series introduce villain called : Gaisorg, who somehow showed that he learn an attacking move from Luca (Gokai Yellow). This four episodes mini series is the first mini movie to be insert in super sentai  time slot. Is this mean the 2019 Ryusoulger will be four episodes less? 
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